sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

Message To My Students

Dear students in grades K-6,

Thank you for a wonderful time at Escuela 1 Artigas. I enjoyed teaching you English for these past few months. I couldn't imagine a better school. Your hellos, hugs, and kisses always made me smile. I am proud of how much you have learned. You are a group of very intelligent boys and girls. Keep working on listening, reading, writing, and speaking English. I will miss you very much.



Estimados estudiantes,

Gracias por un tiempo maravilloso en la Escuela 1 Artigas. Me encantó enseñarles inglés estos últimos meses. No podría imaginar una escuela mejor. Sus saludos, abrazos, y besos siempre me hicieron sonreír. Estoy orgullosa de ustedes. Han aprendido mucho y son muy inteligentes. Continúan trabajando en inglés. Voy a extrañarles mucho.

Un beso,


viernes, 26 de junio de 2009


Here are some photos from our last day of school before winter holidays.

We had a great semester!

I am very proud of you.

I was difficult to say goodbye.

I will miss you!

Thank You!

Thank you for the beautiful drawings!

What did you draw?

The School?

A house?



The sun?

A castle?

What beautiful artwork!

I love the drawings.

Thank you.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

Happy Birthday

It's party time!

The class will celebrate everyone's birthday this week.

What will you need for the party?

Hats (or crowns like you are making)


Birthday cake with candles



Invitations to the party

How do you wish someone a happy birthday?

Often we sing the Happy Birthday song. Do you remember the words in English?

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear _______,
Happy Birthday to you.

You can listen and sing along by clicking here.


Do you have a family?

I have a family.

I have a mother.

I have a father.

I have a grandmother.

I have a grandfather.

I have sisters.

I do not have brothers.

Who is in your family?

Let's make cards in celebration of grandparents' day.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Querida Jennifer fue muy agradable tenerte entre nosotros.
Los niños se sintieron contentos contigo contigo y cariñosamente esperaban que fueras a nuestra clase.
Junto a María Celia , persona muy positiva y siempre pronta a dar , formaron una dupla con la que dio gusto estar.
Jennjfer te deseo que continúes realizando todas tus inquietudes , proyectos , con la dedicación y amor que tu persona trasmite.
Un beso, Mirta.
Uruguay y Salto te dicen hasta pronto.

2º año A maestra Mirta Alves

martes, 23 de junio de 2009

Only One More Week

Winter vacation starts in one week.

We had a wonderful time together.

The students at Escuela 1 are very intelligent.

They learned a lot of English.

Keep practicing!

We took photos together with the camera in the laptop computers.
